Data Privacy Defined and Explored

Our information is everywhere. From social media to e-commerce sites, we are constantly sharing our data in a public way. Exchanging our information in this way is often harmless and a necessary part of conducting business, but if our data falls into the wrong hands there can be devastating consequences.

Data privacy has become more important over the years because of bigger and more complicated breaches. How can we keep our data safe? Let's explore the importance of data privacy in our everyday lives.

What is Data Privacy?

Data privacy is the concept of governing how data is collected, shared, and used. Companies working with private consumer data must follow specific rules and regulations in order to keep the information safeguarded. In fact, data privacy laws and legislation have been on the books since the 1970s.

Recent data privacy regulations are directed toward companies assuming responsibility for handling consumers' private data. Regulations such as General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are designed to keep personal data safe and ensure that information is not shared with parties who should not have access to it.

A Company's Role in Data Privacy

Businesses across industries share the immense responsibility of keeping data out of the wrong hands. Companies have initiated several steps to ensure the safety of private consumer data. These steps include:

  • Training employees on the importance of data privacy
  • Implementing security tools such as VPNs, password managers, and encrypted storage solutions
  • Monitoring the network for suspicious activity to detect an attack early and mitigate damage
  • Adopting a "zero trust" approach to network access

Consumer's Role in Data Privacy

Though companies play a major role when it comes to data privacy, consumers can also take several steps to improve the process. These include:

  • Using multi-factor authentication to add security layers
  • Backing up data often
  • Updating all devices with the latest security software
  • Avoiding strange messages which include typos and grammatical errors or that ask for personal information like passwords

Consumers may not have a lot of control over how their data is stored but they can do their part when it comes to taking small steps in ensuring data privacy is maintained.

Partner with an MSP

Another way to help make sure data privacy is achieved is by working with a managed services provider. A technology MSP partner provides expertise and knowledge of the latest industry trends. Establishing a proactive relationship with an MSP can take the guesswork out of data privacy. To learn more about AJTC's capabilities contact us here or call 708.942.8200.

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