AJTC.net has a new look

A New Year, a New Look, a New AJTC!
2017 was a year full of growth and change for AJTC. In the rapidly altering world of IT Services growth means that we need to change as a company to maintain our level of excellence that our clients deserve. To accomplish this goal, we added new sales team, added to our growing development team, and leveraged new technology resources to continue to provide the best possible solutions for our client's.

After going through this process, we wanted to reflect these changes down to our core, thus leading us to a rebrand of AJTC. We are starting the new year off with a newly designed website, logo and icon that reflects the changes we have made in our 8 years of business. Additionally, we have renamed AJTC to stand for "AJ Technology Company" to better reflect the IT Partner we are to all of our current and new clients. We realize that the world of IT solutions is quite large, and we want to focus on being your business partner that excels in all the areas your business will need from the IT Sector.

The new website allows customers both new and current to easily see what business solutions AJTC has available to boost productivity and efficiency. The new support AJTC Net website allows potential clients the ability to instantly communicate with members of our new sales team with a live chat function. This easy to use function makes sure that all your questions are answered instantly making the AJTC website the one and only stop you need to make while searching for your technical business solutions. Please have a look around, and find all the thing we have to offer your business!

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